Author Dr. Margaret R. O'Leary brings over twenty years of experience as an educator, dictionary editor, and physician to the compilation of The Dictionary of Homeland Security and Defense. Terrorism touches everyone's lives. The Dictionary of Homeland Security and Defense brings to life Spine-tingling concepts, such as breeder documents, demonstration effect, postulated threat, and taqiya. Notorious terrorists, such as Sayyid Qtub and Ayman Zawahiri. Infamous terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, Islamic Egyptian Jihad, and al-Qaeda. Action-oriented organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Northern Command, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Secure defense locations, such as Cheyenne Mountain. Innovative counter-terrorism programs, such as TOPOFF 3 and BioWatch programs.
The Dictionary of Homeland Security and Defense is the seminal lexical resource for students, homeland security and defense professionals, and all concerned American citizens searching for word tools to defeat the hostile and destructive forces that threaten the security and freedom of Americans in their homeland.
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