This book is one of the very first fantasy novels I have read. I found The Druid's Tune amazing when I first read it at age fourteen, and up to this day, I still find it wonderfully engrossing! The idea of two modern day teenagers being transported into another time/world is nothing new, but O.R. Melling made up for this cliched storyline by her powerful characterization skills, and rich description of the world of the Tain...
I enjoyed this book a lot. It really relates the past with the present and links the situations. It is a very interesting book for those who enjoy reading about time travelling and love to experience new things all the time.
stupendous!! i absolutely loved it! anyone at all interested in the mystic, or in irish folklore would love it! the story successfully intertwines modern-day with the age old tale of Táin Bó Cúalnge (Cattle-Raid of Cooley). it is also a wonderful tale of the search for self-belonging & soul searching. a must read!
This book is great for all ages. I would recommend it especially for people interested in Irish mythology, but anyone who likes to read will love this book. Great to start kids reading!
I thought this was an exellent book. I enjoyed it fully and is now one of my favorite books. You should read because i know you will enjoy it!!