The Duly Diligent Stock Investor is a practical, step-by-step guide to investing in stocks as if you were buying a business that you intend to own for a very long time. Long-term investing in fine companies is not the only way to make money but it happens to be the way very rich and famous investor Warren Buffett has made his billions.
But how do you know if a company is worthy of your investment? How do you know if becoming a part-owner will help you achieve your financial goals? How do you know you're not putting your money into a company headed for failure? Isn't Wall Street your enemy, just waiting to pick your pocket of all your hard-earned savings? The Duly Diligent Stock Investor gives you the answers and takes the mystery out of investing in stocks.
Some books you buy to read. A book like this you buy to use. Granted, there are hundreds of books on the market that address every aspect of investing imaginable, many claiming to be the sure way or the fast way to riches, but The Duly Diligent Stock Investor is different. It's an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand book that walks you through a process called due diligence, leading you to a solid understanding of a company before you invest in it.
The author used this process during a 25-year career financing private companies and has successfully refined it over 15 years of personally investing in public companies. He wrote this book so that if you have a $2.99 calculator and access to the internet you can do exactly what he does before he buys stock in a company.
You may have been led to believe that only financial advisors and mutual fund managers have the special skills necessary to evaluate a business. You may have heard that it's just too hard for an individual to make his or her own investment decisions. Are you discouraged by those claims or do they challenge you to prove them wrong? Yes, there's some work to being a Duly Diligent Stock Investor, but it's not hard work. Certainly not as hard as completing a New York Times crossword puzzle. By following the steps outlined in this book, you will feel confident in your ability to invest in some of America's finest companies, even if you have never thought of yourself as sophisticated in financial matters.