Agnes Vojta grew up in Germany, spent a few years in
California, Oregon, and England, and now lives in Rolla,
Missouri where she teaches physics at Missouri S&T. Her
first poetry collection Porous Land was published in 2019
by Spartan Press.
"The Eden of Perhaps is equal parts vulnerable and fierce
with a subtle touch of humor, a deep twist of desire, and
twin scoops of heartache and hope. A moving collection
of poems for women on the edge of breaking open, standing
on the ledge of possibility, their hearts in their hands."
--Molly Remer, Brigid's Grove
"John Gardner once said that there are only two basic plots:
a stranger comes to town and a person goes on a trip.
In her strong new collection, Agnes Vojta takes her readers
on a trip which moves from the personal to the mythic.
Her tone ranges from pensive to giddy, but she is always
bringing the reader, out/into the world/towards adventure.
--Mike James, author of Jumping Drawbridges
in Technicolor and Parades
"In The Eden of Perhaps, Agnes Vojta explores identity
through poems of hunger, atonement, and transformation.
In her poem "Muse" she discovers One day the universe
/ had enough of me / not listening... woke me up with a
sonic boom...and shouted What are you waiting for? In
"Rules for Pruning," she observes So, in cutting back, /
you shape the future. In "Alter Ego," she confesses life was
simpler / before she / appeared. Ultimately, she finds a
quiet triumph in accepting and loving the woman she
wants to become. Rather than consuming one and moving
on to the next, these meditations are meant to be held on
the tongue and savored."
--Dianne Borsenik, author of Raga for What
Comes Next (Stubborn Mule Press, 2019)
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