'The Election' is an excellent read that captures the issues that need to be addressed today. If you enjoy a taught thriller, politics in general, or just want to learn more about the electoral system with out putting yourself to sleep, this book is for you. 'The Election' focuses on a man who was become fed up with the stagnation in congress generated by our two party political system. The main character, Michael Edwards,...
When I started to read this book at the same time our own election is going on, I was near election fatigue. However, I was pleasantly surprised about the book and very glad I did read it at this time.The Author revealed two things to me in this book. The first is he either has a great background in politics or knows how to research the subject matter to perfection. The second is he has the ability to make the political dull...
Unlike most books that are placed in the category of fiction, this book could be a documentary of a future election, with just the modification of the player's names. This novel is also important in its practicality, and that is not an attribute that most novels can claim, or a goal their Author's even set. The concept of a three way race for the Presidency is not only plausible, it is an event that has taken place several...
This book was sent to me gratis with the request that I read and review it. I should state at the outset that political novels are not usually on my reading list; the last one I read was "Primary Colors." I must say, however, that, the minutiae of counting votes notwithstanding, I enjoyed it. The main premise of the book is the third-party run for the American presidency by preeminent news anchor Michael Edwards. As with...
If you've ever wondered (as I have) what would transpire in case a third party candidate ever gained a lot of support without self-destructing in some way, here's a chance to find out. Field has come up with a Constitutionally accurate, healthily cynical and very exciting story about just such a situation.I kept waiting for the big implausible shocker to spice up the story, the event that would be totally unrealistic but...