I am just finishing reading this book for the third time. This time I took the time to study each chapter thoroughly and to complete each one of the exercises. I have to admit that this is rigorous study of the book, and it's been life transforming. I've studied the book with a partner. We talk each week by telephone to share what we see about how the information in the chapter and the exercises apply to our lives. There is...
Taking a wholistic approach to shifting beliefs and outcomes around ones financial fulfillment, The Energy of Money differs from many other Spiritual Money guides because of the wealth of exercises and the completeness of its coverage.Nemeth doesn't see money as a "stand alone" issue, she sees it as being a part of one's life intention and integrity.Another feature that works is her taking the obstacles and problem areas and...
I spent my entire life (from early childhood to late 40s) terrified about becoming poor, about never earning enough, about never having enough, etc. I was always financially desperate at the emotional level, no matter what the outer circumstances. On the surface I looked successful and did fine, but inside I suffered constant anxiety about money issues -- about my financial survival.A friend gave me this book several years...
"The Energy of Money," by Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.is NOT a new age serman a la Suzie Orman chiding one regarding spiritual points in one's life which require cleaning up before money comes along. Nor does Nemeth's approach give one the feeling of being preached to by a moneyed person sharing their "get rich" philosphies with all "the little people."What Nemeth's book does do is explain how ideas begin in a realm of energy,...