"Jerry Fitch is a man of an anointed spirit, with a vision and burden for the move of God to be experienced by the Church in the revival of this hour." -- Fuchsia T. Pickett, Shekinah Church Ministries
"Rev. Jerry Fitch is a successful pastor/evangelist who is used in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and people are blessed by his ministry." -- Dr. Maurice Hard, President, Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association
"Jerry is 'in the stream of God.'" -- Rick Godwin
"Pastor Jerry has always displayed a heart for all of God's people. The Lord has given him a global vision in fulfilling the Great Commission. He is loving, compassionate and yet will not compromise the integrity of God's Word. He operates in the revelation of the Word and the power of the Spirit." -- Barbara Wentroble, Wentroble Christian Ministries