Zip loves the danger and excitement of transporting 'off-market' cargo. Yes, she gets shot at, but it's a small price to pay for a front-row seat to the chaotic, colorful mess of the cosmos. Unfortunately, her latest parcel won't shut up. Unlike her usual goods, Zip is transporting a political outcast on a mission from the United Commission of Planets: Make first contact with the citizens of Crustacea, a planet of psychic crustaceans-not exactly known for creative names-and assess their threat level to the galactic government.
At first glance, the Crustaceans seem friendly enough, but tensions are boiling beneath the ocean's calm surface. A renegade faction of lobsters, distrustful of humans, is determined to assert their supremacy and foil any negotiations.
Join Zip and Pilsen as they navigate the terrifying creatures below Crustacea's surface and even more frightening, intergalactic politics. This comedic adventure might be brief, but it never lets up and sets the stage for a world of future intergalactic adventures.