The sixth in a series of congressionally mandated reports on Gulf War veterans' health, this volume evaluates the health effects associated with stress. Since the launch of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, there has been growing concern about the physical and psychological health of Gulf War and other veterans. In the late 1990s, Congress responded by asking the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to review and evaluate the scientific and medical literature regarding associations between illness and exposure to toxic agents, environmental or wartime hazards, and preventive medicines or vaccines in members of the armed forces who were exposed to such agents.
Deployment to a war zone has a profound impact on the lives of troops and on their family members. There are a plethora of stressors associated with deployment, including constant vigilance against unexpected attack, difficulty distinguishing enemy combatants from civilians, concerns about survival, caring for the badly injured, and witnessing the death of a person. Less traumatic but more pervasive stressors include anxiety about home life, such as loss of a job and income, impacts on relationships, and absence from family.
The focus of this report, by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Gulf War and Health: Physiologic, and Psychosocial Effects of Deployment-Related Stress, is the long-term effects of deployment-related stress. Gulf War and Health: Volume 6. Physiologic, and Psychosocial Effects of Development Related Stress evaluates the scientific literature regarding association between deployment-related stressors and health effects, and provides meaningful recommendations to remedy this problem.
Our newest survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. adults how they feel about the self-help genre. And what we learned gave us a whole new way of looking at things.
High school and college students may be feeling weary as they head back into classes during these winter months. Here are some books and guides to help them get organized, focused, and energized.
From individual reflection to the power of positive thought, motivation, and self-help books will help you meet your New Year’s Resolutions goals.
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Happy Celebration of Life Day! Life is sweet. Life is hard. Life’s a trip. No matter who you are or what your circumstances may be, figuring out how to live well is a journey. Even as we savor the sweet aspects of existence, we grapple with questions about what it all means and how we can make the most of ourselves.