Explore the wisdom of a New Thought classic and master the game of life
Timeless wisdom... entertaining style... easy-to-grasp explanations of success principles. In her classic book, THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT, Florence Scovel Shinn established herself as the leading prosperity writer of her era whose down-to-earth, practical, and...
Life is a game, not a battle.In Florence Scovel Shinn's classic work, you will discover the secret to playing the game of life successfully. Beginning with the explanation of the functions of the three departments of the mind: the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious,...
2011 Reprint of 1941 Second Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. One secret of Shinn's success was that she was always herself . . . colloquial, informal, friendly, and humorous. She herself was very spiritual . ...
In this transformational classic, Florence teaches the power of positive thought. She explains how our thoughts and words affect the experience we have in our daily lives, and uses concrete examples to show how we can use them to bring more of what we want into our lives, including...
In this transformational classic, Florence teaches the power of positive thought. She explains how our thoughts and words affect the experience we have in our daily lives, and uses concrete examples to show how we can use them to bring more of what we want into our lives, including...
"By studying and practicing the principles laid down in this book, one may find prosperity, solve problems, have better health, achieve personal relations--in a word, win the game of life." --Norman Vincent Peale
In the Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel Shinn gives us the rules to the game of life. But more importantly she also gives us a manual that instructs us on how to win the game. A wonderful and simple-to-follow book on the power of right thinking.
The classic self-help guide, full of timeless wisdom Florence Scovel Shinn's The Game of Life and How to Play It first appeared in bookstores in 1925 and is now considered a classic in the self-help genre. The author's insights into achieving meaning,...
"By studying and practicing the principles laid down in this book, one may find prosperity, solve problems, have better health, achieve personal relations--in a word, win the game of life." --Norman Vincent Peale The complete and original New Thought classic upgraded...
La mayoría de la gente considera la vida como una batalla, pero no es una batalla, es un juego. Es un juego, sin embargo, que no puede ser jugado con éxito sin el conocimiento de la ley espiritual, y el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento dan las reglas del juego con maravillosa claridad...
Now the world's most celebrated book and guide on how to "WIN" the game of life through positive attitudes and affirmations is refined for women, giving them the opportunity to cultivate success and bond closely with Florence Scovel Shinn's everlasting wisdom like never before...
La vida es una pelea, un sufrimiento? Florence Scovel Shinn nos dice en esta maravillosa obra que la vida es un juego. Si, un juego que si aprendemos a jugar de acuerdo con las ense anzas metaf sicas, entonces obtendremos la victoria. De esta manera aprenderemos a reconocer los...
In the Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel Shinn gives us the rules to the game of life. But more importantly she also gives us a manual that instructs us on how to win the game. A wonderful and simple-to-follow book on the power of right thinking.
Are you tired of feeling like life is happening to you, rather than for you? Do you long to manifest your deepest desires and live a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment? In this timeless classic, Shinn unveils the keys to mastering the game of life and transforming your reality...
LE CHA?NON MANQUANT POUR ENFIN COMPRENDRE LA LOI DE L'ATTRACTION !! Florence Scovel Shinn ?tait une auteure am?ricaine et professeur de m?taphysique du d?but du 20? si?cle. Pourtant m?connue en France, alors qu'entre eux tous les nombreux classiques et livres de r?f?rence de...
This large print edition is written in an easy to read size 18 font. In this uplifting book Florence Scovel Shinn takes the reader on a personal journey, showing them the best way to apply themselves and so get the best results for personal health, wealth, love and happiness...