'Depend above all on Pauncefort', announced King James, 'his loyalty is dependable as steel. He is with us body and soul and to the last penny of his fortune.' So when Pauncefort does indeed face bankruptcy after the collapse of the South Sea Company, the king's supreme confidence...
The Gates of DoomBy Rafael Sabatini
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an author best known for romance and adventure novels. Some of Sabatini's most famous works include The Sea-Hawk, Scaramouche, and Captain Blood.
The Gates of Doom is a historical fiction novel written by Sabatini, Rafael. The story is set in the year 1453 and revolves around the fall of Constantinople. The book follows the journey of a young Venetian adventurer named Angelo, who is sent on a mission to Constantinople...
Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. He is best known for his bestsellers "The Sea Hawk" (1915), "Scaramouche" (1921), and "Captain Blood" (1922). This volume includes a new introduction by best-selling author...
The Gates of Doom is a historical fiction novel by Rafael Sabatini. Set in the 16th century, the story follows the adventures of a young Englishman named Peter Leigh who is captured by the Spanish Inquisition and accused of heresy. He is imprisoned in the infamous Castle of San...
The Gates of Doom is a historical adventure novel written by Rafael Sabatini. The story is set in the 16th century during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The book follows the journey of Sir Oliver Tressilian, a wealthy merchant and adventurer, who is betrayed by his...
The Gates of Doom is a historical adventure novel written by the renowned author Rafael Sabatini. The book is set in the late 16th century and follows the story of Don Pedro, a Spanish nobleman who is falsely accused of treason and imprisoned in the infamous Tower of London...