This 2008 book is a collection of many of Welch's perspectives and approaches in his his 20 year tenure as CEO of the world's most diverse conglomerate. We can learn some lessons how GE tackled a number of global recessions and how we might be able to use some of those approaches in this time of uncertainty. "
It's easy reading and extremely informative. You can't go wrong with this book. Enrich your life by reading this book. Thank you Jack Welch for sharing your wisdom and experience.
I've read (studied) most of the books written about Jack Welch and felt this particular book was well worth a review too. As an inspirational children's book author I love books that inspire, teach and have messages that I can use to make life better. All of Jack Welch's wisdom, management messages and lessons are all packed into this book. In this book you'll learn about how managers shouldn't muddle but lead by exciting...
This is the best single source of comments by Jack Welch, at least that I am aware of, as he approaches the conclusion of his illustriuous career at GE. Lowe deserves great credit for her editorial skills. Her selections are outstanding and well-organized. For me, this book offers a rare opportunity to share Welch's insights re subjects such as setting proper priorities, allocating resources, anticipating and then preparing...
This is an excellent book that gives readers a quick insight into the highly successful management style of Jack Welch with GE. Well written, and doesn't take a lot of time to read.