A newly released, fast-track guide to profitable consulting & professional services dominance in business & marketing especially for new SaaS companies & managed service providers, written by a 12-year veteran officer of the U.S. Air Force with 14-years experience in consulting for SaaS companies. This guide demonstrates how to apply powerful market leadership & ubiquitous persuasion principles from the military & modern marketing, to business and life, with a spiritual twist.
Pairing a persuasive correlation between ancient tools and divine intervention from 1100 B.C. to today's business world, with real proof that it works. With commanding instruction and direct, practical application, the Gideon Effect overhaul traditional consulting lead generation, and challenges status quo EVERYWHERE to redefine the competitive battlefield towards the ultimate goal: market niche dominance & victory. The Gideon Effect is based on a historic biblical military leader, judge, & prophet.
The Gideon Effect will show you:
How to use your symbolic lamp as a consultant to make it easy for clients to see you, better than any other competitor. How to use your symbolic clay pitcher as an entrepreneur to make it easy for clients to perceive & feel your presence, seemingly everywhere they listen. How to use your entrepreneurial trumpet to make it easier for clients to hear FROM you and hear THROUGH you.For Perfect Service Offerings
You'll learn how to easily build the perfect service offerings for your professional services firm and sell to your ideal prospects, by reverse engineering your own existing, divinely-inspired gifts & talents.
How To Double Your Marketing Output Just by Changing Its Order
Gideon's path was carefully reverse-engineered for today's business world, to dramatically increase output, without significant, additional input. This is one reason why the number of soldiers needed to win the battle was at a 450-to-1 deficit but Gideon still came out on top, with DIVINE intervention.
How To Create Magnetic Attraction
The book carefully details the steps (with examples) needed to build a presence that subconsciously feels like you are everywhere. How is this different than traditional marketing? How can an entrepreneur use limited resources and yet appear limitless? You'll experience insight into real events that were put into practice: