This book presents the glorious destiny of Israel in view of the end times. Dr. Greene begins by laying out a framework of seven days. G-d created the heavens and the earth in seven days and on the seventh day, Shabbat, G-d rested. Each week Jewish families gather to celebrate this Day of Rest. Celebrate they should because it ties into their future destiny. G-d will completely restore Creation, reestablish the throne of King David, and do all this before the Seventh Day - the eternal Shabbat
The focus of this book is on Israel. It does not include any suggestion Jews should consider becoming a Christian. In fact, it encourages Jews to continue in their faith by confirming the promises and prophecies given to the fathers will be fulfilled. Although this book is not intended for Christians, anyone who wants to understand the glorious destiny of Israel should know this. The promises and prophecies made to the fathers apply solely to them - the sons and daughters of Abraham