Praise for The God of Intimacy and Action "Tony Campolo...and Mary Darling...are like gunpowder and a spark. The result is a dynamite book that many have been waiting a long time for." -- Relevant Magazine "In 25 years, when we look back as journalists chronicling this era of...
Acclaimed evangelical speaker and writer Tony Campolo teams up with spiritual director and teacher Mary Albert Darling to reveal some gems from the liturgical Christian tradition to Protestants who may be ready for a refreshing change. While steeped in their own evangelical...
Praise for The God of Intimacy and Action "Tony Campolo...and Mary Darling...are like gunpowder and a spark. The result is a dynamite book that many have been waiting a long time for." -- Relevant Magazine "In 25 years, when we look back as journalists chronicling this era of...