Harry Archer, a talented and motivated British SIS agent assigned to a small but deadly team of covert operatives with permission to do whatever is necessary in the defence and safety of the UK. As global warming begins shortening the northern winter, an economically desperate Russia launches a plan to take control of the newly ice-free Northern Sea Route to Europe and simultaneously set the Middle East on a route to war.
Archer races across the Middle East and Europe in a desperate attempt to prevent a shooting war between Iran and the USA, as an American carrier is ambushed in the Strait of Hormuz. As the crisis threatens to descend into a new world war, the USA crumbles under the control of an ultra-right-wing president. Archer battles his own demons and a rapidly unravelling security situation as Russian naval vessels line up in the North Sea, pushing the UK's resources and the NATO alliance to breaking point.
When the stakes are this high and the slightest miscalculation could be devastating, who will have the courage to demonstrate the leadership and resolve to stand firm in the face of tyranny.