Journey to worlds near and far...
The Great Beyond anthology is a compilation of timeless space adventure tales. From humanity's first footsteps into space, to galaxies far away, to alternative versions of Earth, these fun and hopeful tales will transport you far from our present reality.
Featuring bestselling authors as well as fresh new voices, begin your journey into the great beyond. Grab your copy today
Stories include:
"The Long Way Home" by Mark Henwick
"The Mixon Drive" by J.R. Handley
"A Fair Trade" by A.M. Scott
"Weightless" by Raven Oak
"Improbable Meat" by Richard Fife
"The Captain's Yacht" by Marcus Alexander Hart
"Star Cadets" by C.W. Lamb
"The Day the Earth Was Graded" by P. Andrew Floyd
"Reservation Earth" by David Alan Jones
"Integration" by A.K. DuBoff