Written by the course director and owner ofwww.tradermasterclass.com, a leading source of live and onlinecourses in trading, technical analysis, and money management, AHandbook of Technical Analysis: The Practitioner's ComprehensiveGuide to Technical Analysis is the first financial technicalanalysis examination preparatory book in the market. It isappropriate for students taking IFTA CFTe Level I and II (US), STADiploma (UK), Dip TA (Aus), and MTA CMT Level I, II, and III examsin financial technical analysis, as well as for students inundergraduate, graduate, or MBA courses.
The book is also an excellent resource for serious traders andtechnical analysts, and includes a chapter dedicated to advancedmoney management techniques. This chapter helps complete astudent's education and also provides indispensable knowledge forFOREX, bond, stock, futures, CFD, and option traders.
Learn the definitions, concepts, application, integration, andexecution of technical-based trading tools and approachesIntegrate innovative techniques for pinpointing and handlingmarket reversalsUnderstand trading mechanisms and advanced money managementtechniquesExamine the weaknesses of popular technical approaches and findmore effective solutionsThe book allows readers to test their current knowledge and thencheck their learning with end-of-chapter test questions that spanessays, multiple choice, and chart-based annotation exercises. Thishandbook is an essential resource for students, instructors, andpractitioners in the field. Alongside the handbook, the author willalso publish two full exam preparatory workbooks and a bonus onlineQ&A Test bank built around the most popular professionalexaminations in financial technical analysis.