This book was a literal life-line for me. I am very grateful that the little book store in my neighborhood happened to have this particular book available just hours after I had my beloved cat put down under unusually urgent and traumatic circumstances. I could not have imagined there being such a book, so full of feeling and understanding, so articulate and wise and gentle, about pets and pet loss. The author speaks from...
I actually lost my copy of this book, and I've added it to my wish list so I can replace it. The book is written in anecdotal format; the author uses case studies from her practice to demonstrate how particular remedies are used in particular cases of grief/shock. You don't have to be a Ph.D. or a hugely experienced homeopath to use this book. Over the years I have used recommendation from this book to help animals recover...
I am a volunteer foster mom for kittens and cats, having had about 200 animals adopted.I deal with animal loss-I have to deal with cats I raised in my home and personally feel the loss and adopters who call me in tears and are very distresses. I recommend this book-probably because it doesn't have poetry and stories that move readers to tears, I find people can read that their feelings of loss are very valid and extremely...