From award-winning author, Tami Lehman-Wilzig, comes a new picture book highlighting the Yemenite pre-wedding ceremony of Henna.
Deep in Tel Aviv's Yemenite Quarter, the small houses on Yom Tov Street buzzedwith activity. The entire neighborhood was preparing for Yael's wedding.
But Gali, Yael's youngest cousin, was confused. Why was no one focused on making her flower girl dress? Why were they making head coverings and beads for a Henna ceremony? They didn't live in Yemen anymore. And this was modern Israel Why would Yael be interested in such a silly, old custom?
But as Gali continued to help her grandmother, and as she participated in the ceremony, Gali saw just how beautiful and important it was to keep true to her culture.
An author's note at the end further explains the meaning behind the rituals and customs of Henna.