Math is all around us; on Earth and way out into space It touches almost everything we do and see. There is in fact math everywhere we look: in art, sport, nature, science and space. Take a look at some familiar things and see the math behind them, including patterns, sequences and shapes. Clear, simple text works with stunning photographs to take a softer approach to understanding math and how important it is.
. Angles and parabolas make the difference between winning or losing a match, and if you're a goalkeeper, you must try to predict how a penalty will be aimed - it's all about probability
. Many things in nature follow the rules of math: number patterns in a sunflower, the hexagonal shapes in a beehive and a snow crystal
. A total solar eclipse is due to an extraordinary numerical coincidence: our Sun is about 400 times larger than the Moon, but 400 times farther away.
. Ancient buildings have stood the test of time because of careful calculations.oh, and time itself only exists because of math
Math is mind-blowingly awesome stuff Explore this magical, mathematical world and get practical, with some activities to try too.