Eusebius's account is the only surviving historical record of the Church during its crucial first 300 years. Bishop Eusebius, a learned scholar who lived most of his life in Caesarea in Palestine, broke new ground in writing the History and provided a model for all later ecclesiastical...
This new, highly affordable paperback edition includes Maier's best-selling translation, historical commentary on each book of The Church History, and ten maps and illustrations. Often called the "Father of Church History," Eusebius recorded crucial information about the lives...
All ten books of Eusebius' famous church history are presented here complete in a superb and authoritative translation. Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History is one of the first comprehensive, chronologically arranged histories ever written about the Christian church, and it is consulted...
Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History is one of the classics of early Christianity and of equal stature with the works of Flavius Josephus. Eusebius chronicles the events of the first three centuries of the Christian Church in such a way as to record a vast number of vital facts about...
Next to Josephus, Eusebius is the most widely-consulted reference work on the early church. Much of our knowledge of the first three centuries of Christianity--the terrible persecutions, the courageous martyrs, and the theological controversies--come from the writings of this...
Qu sucedi tras la muerte de los ap stoles? C mo afront el cristianismo la cultura grecorromana? Cu l fue el alcance y significado de las persecuciones? Qu supuso la conversi n de Constantino para la Iglesia? Eusebio de Cesarea tuvo el privilegio de asistir al nacimiento...
Eusebius's groundbreaking History of the Church , remains the single most important source for the history of the first three centuries of Christianity and stands among the classics of Western literature. His iconic story of the church's origins, endurance of persecution, and...
Antes de Eusebio, ning?n historiador pagano o cristiano se hab?a dedicado a llevar un registro de la gente, los lugares y los acontecimientos extraordinarios de los primeros tres siglos del cristianismo. Comenzando con Jes?s de Nazaret y terminando con Constantino, el primer...
Edici n en r stica del libro cl sico de Eusebio, el primer historiador de la iglesia cristiana. En esta obra nos presenta los tres primeros siglos de historia de la Iglesia en un lenguaje actualizado que le da una vida y un sentido que antes no ten a. Un libro indispensable en...
This edition of The History of the Church contains all ten chronologically arranged books by Eusebius, which together outline the major events in the early history of the Christian church between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. Ever since its publication in the 4th century, the...