The ideal teacher is the person who polishes the brain of a student with his or her ideologies and leads them to pass a successful life. Successful life means life of such a character who behaves in such a noble way that under all events of life and all circumstances nobody opposes his deeds or activities i.e. his behavior is not only acceptable by all but appreciated by everyone. That person will not only be appreciated but he will be loved by all. If someone is passing such a life which is admired and loved by all is passing a successful life.
As far as we all know many messengers of God have lead successful lives. Those were the people who had conveyed the message of God to the normal human being. They preached the public how people should live their life under all circumstances. According to Islam those people who brought the messages of God to the human beings were "Nabi or Rasools". The God had sent more than 1.2 lakhs messengers of God on the earth. According to Hindu mythology those people were "Bhagwan Ke Awtar". Their life styles and teachings were stored in religious books. On the basis of these teachings society rules and laws were designed which should be followed by all human beings to pass a smooth and successful life. These are the Golden rules of life which differentiate us with animal kingdom.