-Steve Glines, Editor, Wilderness House Literary Review
While reading Illusiveness of Gray, I often laughed-out-loud and paused to reflect, enjoying how she has formed associations between science, mythology, history, and everyday living.
-Robert Erlandson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus Engineering, Wayne State University; Author, AWE, 2019
Carol Smallwood is a modern poet not afraid to return to tradition. The result is a depth that is satisfying and powerful.
-Evan Mantyk, President, The Society of Classical Poets, Mount Hope, New York
Smallwood looks at perception and illusion in everyday life, mythology, and multiverses taking you to parallel worlds and back again.
-Maggie Frisch, Editor, Working Writer
From cosmos to bubbles in our soda glasses, Carol captures with a keen and curious eye.
-Dr. Christine Redman-Waldeyer, Founder, Editor, Adanna Literary Journal
Carl Smallwood leads readers through times of timelessness, across shades of color, and into reflections of the world and self, effectively "bringing wonder about multiple universes."
-Maryann Mori, Library Consultant, Iowa Library Services
Carol Smallwood, a master of form and free verse, cleverly offers us a unique perspective from the workings of her keen intellect.
-Theresa Rodriguez, Longer Thoughts (Shanti Arts, 2020)
Ms. Smallwood is fearless when it comes to fulfilling the demands of traditional forms and is not shy at all about producing nonce forms of her own invention.
-C.B. Anderson, Author, Mortal Soup and the Blue Yonder and Roots in the Sky, Boots on the Ground
Smallwood's work illuminates the cosmos while meticulously capturing tender moments and mythological to the modern.
-Catherine Keller, Author, Sonder: A Collection of Poems
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