This workbook is designed specifically to help IT Consultants to plan - and evaluate - the year ahead. Unlike a basic business book, this workbook focuses on the activities of a successful IT Service Provider.
Yes, you'll document your goals and financial picture for the year ahead. But there's much, much more. Running a managed service business is not the same as other businesses. You need to plan how you'll work with vendors and new technology. You need constant training to keep up on constant changes.
You'll examine:
- Your plans - Your finances - Your vendors - Events you might (and might not) attend - Webinars and online training - and more.
Plus essays, forms, and exercises designed to focus on success.
In other words: There's a lot of work that goes into a successful year. As Karl likes to say: Nothing Happens by Itself
Plus - Lots of forms and checklists to help you build a successful year ahead - with intention