THE preparation of this Manual would have been quite impossible for me had I not received the most cordial assistance from Junior workers all over the world. In response to a request printed in The Golden Rule, letters from Junior superintendents fairly rained down upon me, each expressing the great need of a manual of Junior methods, and the desire of the writer to co-operate. I wish it were possible to print here the names of these kind friends, who are more the authors of this book than I am. I can at least express thus publicly my sense of obligation to them, and my sincere gratitude.
Will not all Junior workers take up and continue this partner- ship? New and useful ways of working are constantly devised by Junior superintendents. If you will send to me, at the office of The Golden Rule, Boston, Mass., an account of any helpful plan not incorporated in these pages, it will be published at once in the international Christian Endeavor organ, and be inserted in future editions of the Junior Manual.
It is too much to hope that this book, even though a large amount of labor has been spent upon it, will prove entirely satisfactory to every one, and in all of its forty chapters. I have done my best, however, to make it straightforward, practical, and to the point; and I shall be richly rewarded if the noble Junior Christian Endeavor workers, whom I so much honor, are in any way inspired and helped by these pages.
BOSTON, March 22, 1895.