The King Who Sang the Song of the Grandmother tells how Great King Alexander endures arduous trials on his destined path to acquire the wisdom needed to save Over Earth from cataclysmic destruction. Aviva Gold's allegory colorfully depicts the root cause of our present planetary problems and reveals the sole remedy: the collective evolution of consciousness from hard-hearted materialism to ecstatic Love. Read this story and experience your heart shift.
Many indigenous medicine people say that if we want a better
world, we need to dream a better dream. ThThis powerful story is
more than a fantasy or fairy tale; it could serve as th e very magical
dream we need for both our individual and collective healing and
transformation. Surely, the ancestors, Gods and Goddesses are with
Aviva Gold and speaking through her!
- Pamela Hale, author of Flying Lessons: How to Be the Pilot of
Your Own Life
ThThis is so much more than a marvelous story to read and enjoy. It
is a journey to be taken that becomes an experience you will feel.
Disguised as an ancient myth, it is a portal to understanding more
deeply and truly the mysteries of our own lives in our own time.
ThThank you, Aviva!
- George Herrick, author of Stone Warrior: Confronting Life's
Dark Challenges with Stone Art and Meditation
This adventure is a candle illuminating a path of hope in the
darkness we currently find ourselves in. Read it to your children and
grandchildren and re-enchant the world!
- Sarah Bamford Seidelmann, bestselling author of
Swimming with Elephants: My Unexpected Pilgrimage from
Physician to Healer
The King Who Sang the Song of The Grandmother is an
entertaining fairytale for all ages. A hero's journey that will have a
positive impact on the collective psyche of today's culture...while at
the same time, exposing the effect of patriarchy and showing the need
for a feminine balance.
- Catherine Ann Jones, author of The Way of Story
This is a tale of hope and healing for our troubled time. Our future
lives inside the path of love where all beings are honored and
respected. Our ancestors are whispering these truths. Read this book
and listen.
- Pat Dolan, author of Stalking The Sacred
This is a beautiful story of redemption for mankind and the world
we can co create now. One of respect, kindness. generosity and
- Rae Luskin