Reviews: 4.6/5 *****
What would you do if you found yourself in a Train Compartment that could talk? Would you be scared? Would you scream or run?
Well, it sounds weird, but I have been in one such 'Talking' Compartment and if you don't trust me, just ask these women, who were there with me that morning.
Bhavya - a young and energetic fighter who wanted to fly but destiny chopped her wings.
Bhaumi - a workaholic and bullheaded woman who knew nothing beyond her duty towards her family.
Tarini - a submissive and quiet orphan entrapped in the web of lies and deception.
Ramaa - an introvert and homely mother whose entire world got devastated when she lost her husband.
Vaidehi - a witty and quirky woman who loved to nurture but could not become a mother.
They all boarded that special compartment with me that day and what a journey it was
Do you want to share a ride? Hop in to meet the amazing compartment and these inspiring women.