Mary Austin's love of the desert is everywhere evident in The Land of Little Rain, a collection of fourteen vignettes about the land and people of the region that today includes Death Valley National Park and the Mojave National Preserve. Part nature essay, personal essay,...
The Land of Little Rain by American writer Mary Hunter Austin and was first published in 1903. Within the book there are a number of essays about the inhabitants of the American Southwest, both human and non-human.Any profits generated from the sale of this book will go towards...
"Between the high Sierras south from Yosemiteeast and south over a very great assemblage of broken ranges beyond Death Valley, and on illimitably into the Mojave Desert" is the territory that Mary Austin calls the Land of Little Rain. In this classic collection of meditations...
Mary Austin's Land of Little Rain, first published in 1903, is considered by many to be one of the foundational texts in environmental writing, now studied as a classic in the literature that sought to describe the complexity of the American continent. Like John Muir,...
The enduring appeal of the desert is strikingly portrayed in this poetic study, which has become a classic of the American Southwest. First published in 1903, it is the work of Mary Austin (1868-1934), a prolific novelist, poet, critic, and playwright, who was also an ardent...
"Between the high Sierras south from Yosemite--east and south over a very great assemblage of broken ranges beyond Death Valley, and on illimitably into the Mojave Desert" is the territory that Mary Austin calls the Land of Little Rain. In this classic collection of meditations...
The enduring appeal of the desert is strikingly portrayed in this poetic study, which has become a classic of the American Southwest. First published in 1903, it is the work of Mary Austin (1868-1934), a prolific novelist, poet, critic, and playwright, who was also an ardent...
The Land of Little Rain (1903) is a collection of essays and short stories by Mary Hunter Austin. Originally published with photographs taken by acclaimed American photographer Ansel Adams, The Land of Little Rain is a classic work of nature writing. Austin is...
In 1903 when "The Land of Little Rain" was first published it became an instant success. It has continued to attract and enchant readers ever since that time, being one of the first books to be written in a popular style about the animals, plants and people of a Southwest desert...
Landet med lidt regn er en samling af noveller og essays, der beskriver landskabet og indbyggerne i det amerikanske sydvest. Et budskab om milj beskyttelse og en filosofi om kulturel og sociopolitisk regionalisme forbinder historierne sammen.
Mary Hunter Austin (September 9, 1868 - August 13, 1934) was an American writer. One of the early nature writers of the American Southwest, her classic The Land of Little Rain (1903) describes the fauna, flora and people - as well as evoking the mysticism and spirituality - of...