An ancient relic, a threat to the Known World, a man of iron...
In the year 939 of the Era of Empires, the outcast Corooi, Sorath, whose wings have been broken for his former crimes, digs up something thought extinct: one of the Ironmen of old, believed to have been destroyed by Valthorian in the Aronian Era. Sorath's first thought is of profit: maybe he can buy his way back into favour with the Corooi King who sentenced him to exile. But such thoughts are banished once Sorath becomes involved in a struggle of cosmic scope as dark forces descend upon the Known World. It is up to Sorath and his new companion, the ancient Ironman Vorkalion, to stop them, and in the process, atone for his sins. But in order to confront the darkness both Sorath and Vorkalion will need to realise and confront a terrifying destiny...
The Last Ironman is a hair-raising tale set in the legendary universe of Dead World and written in poetic form. Immerse yourself in the lore-rich tapestry of a master-storyteller as you embark upon a dark adventure to the very throne of evil itself.