I remember perusing shelves at the University of New Orleans' library and finding a book with this intriguing title. I leafed through it idly until I came upon an essay with the title, "To be to Some chewed Books Tasted Are Swallowed to Digested, and Others be, and Some be Few." In it he was describing a workbook exercise in which children were to un-garble garbled sentences. Mitchell pointed out, "Even the dullest students...
In this collection of scathing essays from _The Underground Grammarian_, Richard Mitchell took on the educational establishment and tore it to bits.Though his ostensible target was the slipshod use of language, he did not limit himself to the niceties of grammar; far from it. He shredded the popular theories of "education" that threatened (and still threaten) to turn children's minds to mush; he defended children's literature...