I enjoyed this series thoroughly, and thought the direction the main characters took was unexpected and fresh. One small mistake (although a big one if you're this particular character)... one of the Generals was said to have perished in the second book, only to be referred to as a living, active character in the third. Did I miss something? Having the same last name as this character, I was quite sure I didn't mistake that...
This story is getting pretty good. James has to get things in perspective and make sure he is doing the right thing for the right purpose for the many. Good continuence to the story line.
i don't think this book was horrible. the Trilogy wasn't bad either. just not the best Dragonlance book. i've read worse. the thing is that people don't like Douglas Niles cause he writes about relatively unknown subjects in the Dragonlance series, therefore their the only book abut the subject and there's nothing to check the continunity against.