"Witty, perceptive, and wise"
- Karla Jay, editor of "Dyke Life" and " Lesbian Erotics"
" A delightfully practical and funny guidebook to exploring life after love . No coy language and no judgmental presumptions help us say yes to the relationships we want. When you go shopping for the next commitment ceremony, " The Lesbian Love Companion" is the perfect gift"
- Jewelle Gomez, author of "The Gilda Stories"
A wonderful book helping lesbians define our relationships on our terms--making a successful breakup as worthwhile as our commitments."
- Suzanne Westenhoefer, lesbian comedienne
"With dozens of real-life examples, this] highly creative guide to everyday relationship pitfalls is a veritable Kama Sutra of emotional possibility."
- Alison Bechdel, creator of " Dykes to Watch Out For"
" A] lively, smart, funny, and fun-to-read book that challenges our fairy tale notions that we will find one Ms. Right and settle down forever in undisturbed bliss. Hall...offers wise advice about how tokeep one's sanity through the ins-and-outs of all these discombobulating and destabilizing experiences."
- Lillian Faderman, author of "Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers" and "Surpassing the Love of Men"