The only work of its kind to survive from classical antiquity, the Library of Apollodorus is a unique guide to Greek mythology, from the origins of the universe to the Trojan War. Apollodorus' Library has been used as a source book by classicists from the time of its compilation...
The Bibliotheca (Ancient Greek: ??????&th??? Bibliotheke, "Library"), also known as the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus, is a compendium of Greek myths and heroic legends, arranged in three books, generally dated to the first or second century AD.The author was traditionally...
"The Library of Greek Mythology" is a classic source of Greek mythology, heroes, and legend. Also known as the "Library of Apollodorus", or the "Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus", this definitive compendium dates originally from the first or second century A.D. The "Library"...
This essential work of Greek mythology is a must-have for any serious student of classics. Apollodorus' comprehensive library of myths and legends provides a window into the ancient world, and his vivid descriptions will enchant readers of all ages. This is a book to be savored...
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A new translation of an important text for Greek mythology used as a source book by classicists from antiquity to Robert Graves, The Library of Greek Mythology is a complete summary of early Greek myth, telling the story of each of the great families of heroic mythology, and...
A new translation of an important text for Greek mythology used as a source book by classicists from antiquity to Robert Graves, The Library of Greek Mythology is a complete summary of early Greek myth, telling the story of each of the great families of heoric mythology, and...
Apollodori Bibliotheca est opus litterarum antiquarum quod scriptum est a Apollodoro, qui fuit scriptor Graecus. Libellus, qui editus est anno MDCCCLIV, continet fabulas et mythos Graecos, quae deorum et heroum originem et vitam tractant. In hoc libro, Apollodorus narrat historias...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Bibliotheca. Ex recognitione Immanuelis Bekkeri. This book, "Bibliotheca", by Apollodorus, is a replication of a book originally published before 1854. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible...
"Biblioth que" de Apollodore . Historien de langue grecque.
Explore the fascinating world of Greek mythology with this comprehensive collection of tales featuring gods, heroes, and monsters. Compiled by the ancient scholar Apollodorus, this invaluable resource offers insights into the rich tradition of Greek myth and legend, making...
Apollodori Bibliotheca est opus litterarium quod scriptum est a Apollodoro, Graeco mythographo, saeculo secundo post Christum natum vixisse. In hoc libro, Apollodorus fabulas mythicas Graecas narrat, quae deorum et heroum vitae et aventuris tractant. Opus in tria librae dividitur,...
Apollodori Bibliotheca est opus litterarium quod scriptum est ab Apollodoro, Graeco scriptore, in saeculo secundo post Christum natum. Librum componit series mythologicae narrationes, quae describunt deorum, heroum, et hominum vitae et gesta. In hoc libro, Apollodorus narrat...