A wonderful read. -- USA Today Klein... has delved deep into archives that most previous writers on Gould have ignored, and is able to back up his revisionist assertions with a multitude of telling details. -- New York Times He was, for Joseph Pulitzer, one of the most sinister figures that have ever flitted bat-like across the vision of the American people. According to the New York Times, the work of reform is but half done... when people claiming to be respectable are not ashamed of being associated with a man such as he. He was Jay Gould, the individual who for a century has been singled out as the most despicable and unscrupulous of the Robber Barons. In this splendid biography, Maury Klein paints the most complete portrait of the notorious Gould that we have ever had. His Gould is a brilliant but ruthless businessman who merged dying railroads into expansive and profit-making lines, including the giant Union Pacific. Clearly organized, meticulously researched, and skillfully written. -- Washington Post Lucid and engrossing. -- Businessweek Klein's biography is a balanced, objective, and fascinating account. -- Philadelphia Inquirer
This is book that one needs to purchase if you are interested in the guilded age and one of its smoothest operators. Rising from humble roots Gould camer to dominate the american railroad and finance businesses. Launching many famous raids on wall street, he teamed up with Fisk to try and corner the Gold market. Jay Gould is a classic american. A trader who was born and worked in a tannery and as an surveyor as a young man he rose to fame and infame. An amazing story, worth the read!
a book which separates fiction from fact
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 25 years ago
Jay Gould is remembered as the worst of the 19th century "Robber Barons" - a destroyer of companies - yet as Maury Klein so ably details, this reputation was almost wholly fabricated by the media and bears little resemblance to a man obsessed with building a transportation and communications empire. Klein's book is more than about Jay Gould, it's about the vast gulf separating all-too-common media generated myths and the truth.
a very good read, very well-researched, not always objective
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 25 years ago
Klein's in-depth Biography is a fascinating account of the life of businessman Jay Gould. Although accurate, Klein's analysis is too kind and almost invariably forgiving to the highly contrversial actions of this complex figure. I recommend this book very strongly!
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