In this endearing biographical account, Hugh Robert Mills tells the remarkable life story of one of the best Antarctic explorers of the 19th-century, Sir Ernest Shackleton, as he fearlessly braved uncharted Antarctic waters on multiple expeditions.
As a fellow explorer and close friend, Mills offers a heartfelt and detailed narrative of Shackleton's life and work. He begins with his early childhood and multiple expeditions to the Arctic - including the unsuccessful voyage on Endurance in 1915 - right through to his last voyage on Quest and untimely death whilst onboard.
A life full of epic adventure and exploration, Ernest Shackleton has become known for his exceptional achievements and courage in the face of adversity. In this biography, his unique personality is brought to life through an in-depth history of his expeditions, aided by personal letters from Shackleton himself and poetry inspired by those Shackleton loved during his lifetime.
Republished by Read & Co. Books, The Life of Sir Ernest Shackleton is an enlightening glimpse into the mind of one of the best Antarctic explorers of the last century. It is a wonderful read for those curious about Shackleton's past expeditions and others with a broader interest in polar exploration in general.