The most important document of early monasticism, written in 357, this is a biography of the recognized founder and father of monasticism. +
First published in the 4th century A.D., Anthony the Great's biography was authored by Christian Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. Since its original release, the book has helped spread the beliefs, practices and arduous faith of Anthony the Great to a wider audience. A significant...
St. Anthony of Egypt, or Anthony the Great, lived from 251 to 356 A.D. One of the first monks, he was a hermit, and lived in the deserts of Egypt. The primary source of information on St. Anthony is this biography by St. Athanasius.
The Life of St. Anthony is a biographical work written by Athanasius, a prominent Christian theologian and bishop in the 4th century. The book chronicles the life of St. Anthony, a Christian monk who lived in Egypt during the 3rd and 4th centuries. St. Anthony is widely regarded...
Born in Egypt, and author of some of the earliest examples of monastic literature, St Anthony has been influential across the world, from the East to the West. To this day his life stands as a testimony to the ascetical life, which was both then and now, "spoken of everywhere,...
2013 Reprint of 1950 edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The present volume contains the most important document of early monasticism, "The Life of St. Antony", whose author is no less a man than the great St. Athanasius...
A beautiful portrait of the radical devotion of St. Antony and his call to holy living. "It was truly amazing that being alone in such a desert Antony was niether distracted by the demons who confronted him, nor was he frightened of their ferocity when so many four-legged...
The Life of St. Anthony is a biography written by Athanasius, a bishop of Alexandria, about the life and teachings of St. Anthony, a Christian monk who lived in the Egyptian desert in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The book describes Anthony's journey from a wealthy young man to...
The Life of St. Anthony is a biographical account of the life of St. Anthony of Egypt, written by Athanasius, the bishop of Alexandria. St. Anthony is known as the father of monasticism and this book chronicles his spiritual journey from a wealthy young man to a hermit living...
St. Athanasius wrote this work while he was founding monasticism in the desserts of Egypt.
The Life of St. Anthony is a biography written by Athanasius, a prominent Christian theologian and bishop of Alexandria. The book tells the story of St. Anthony, a Christian monk who lived in the desert of Egypt during the 4th century AD. St. Anthony is known as the father of...