"Adam Gainsburg's work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg's work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus." - Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer
"Adam Gainsburg listened to the sky and the sky did something it very rarely does: it revealed to him a new secret. Read "The Light of Venus" and you will know the secret too." - Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky
"The Light of Venus explores in great detail the phases occurring in the cycle of Venus and] reveals the importance of seeing each specific placement in the horoscope as embedded in a network of interplanet cycles and holographic connections." - Melanie Reinhart, author of Chiron and the Healing Journey