In this charming installment of the Heart Lake series, a grumpy single dad and a small-town bookseller--who's secretly an advice columnist--find love when they least expect it.
As chaotic as it can be, Rosie Dean loves her unruly life. But between raising twins alone, running her struggling bookshop, and secretly writing a parenting advice column, the single mom can't think about dating. At least that's what she tells herself . . . until her high school crush (and his incredible blue eyes) return to Heart Lake for the summer. Even though Evan has grown into a huge grump, he's still a super sexy one, and soon sparks begin to fly. Single dad and widower Evan Mills is used to hearing he's too serious. But with a grieving tween daughter to raise on his own, the graphic designer is just trying to stay strong for her. He hopes a few weeks at the lake will be the fresh start they both need. Evan never anticipated reconnecting with Rosie, or that she could make him feel whole again--if he'd give her the chance. Will one steamy summer with Rosie be long enough to melt Evan's heart? Includes the bonus novella, Annie Rains' Kiss Me in Sweetwater Springs!