"The Man Behind the Shadow" is an accumulation of words and a collection of photographs, depicting the life of the man next door, the man down the street, or the old man in the crowd, a common man, from three years to eighty years. The adventures, the misadventures, successes failures, philosophy, personal assessments, memories and contemplations. Plus three short stories and a short documentary.
As one gets older, ones memory, as the rest of us, begin to fade. This reality prompted the pages under this cover.
As time fades and our days are no longer incumbered with long to do list, we sit and remember and ponder. Not what we were thinking two minutes ago, that has vanished. What has it all been about? Who am I? Have I made a difference?
Getting old is what we live for, so why can't we enjoy it? It is too darn inconvenient. Why do old folks seem to live in the past? The present is bland, boring and depressing at best. The future is worry-sum and bleak. The past recollections can be selective.