'Few could sustain the glance of his eye, at once fiery and penetrating' Savaged by critics for its supposed profanity and obscenity, and bought in large numbers by readers eager to see whether it lived up to its lurid reputation, The Monk became a succ s de scandale...
'He was deaf to the murmurs of conscience, and resolved to satisfy his desires at any price.' The Monk (1796) is a sensational story of temptation and depravity, a masterpiece of Gothic fiction and the first horror novel in English literature. The respected...
The Monk by Matthew Lewis
'Few could sustain the glance of his eye, at once fiery and penetrating' Savaged by critics for its supposed profanity and obscenity, and bought in large numbers by readers eager to see whether it lived up to its lurid reputation, The Monk became a succ s de scandale when it...
Set in the sinister monastery of the Capuchins in Madrid, The Monk is a violent tale of ambition, murder, and incest. The great struggle between maintaining monastic vows and fulfilling personal ambitions leads its main character, the monk Ambrosio, to temptation and the breaking...
First published in 1796, "The Monk" is the popular and controversial Gothic novel by Matthew G. Lewis, the English novelist and dramatist. Written when Lewis was only nineteen, it is the tale of a monk who is tempted by carnal desire and led down a ruinous path of ungodliness...
The Monk by Matthew Lewis is a classic Gothic novel that explores themes of religion, morality, and sexuality. Written in 1796, it follows the story of a young monk, Ambrosio, who is seduced, corrupted, and ultimately brought to ruin by his own pride and lust. The novel follows...
The Monk: A Romance is a Gothic novel by Matthew Gregory Lewis, published in 1796. It was written before the author turned 20, in the space of 10 weeks. It details the exploits of an evil monk, in lurid and entertaining fashion.
The Monkis the most sensational of Gothic novels. The main plot concerns Ambrosio, an abbot of irreproachable holiness, who is seduced by a woman (or perhaps a demon) disguised as a novice, and who goes on to sell his soul to the Devil. An extravagant blend of sex, death, politics,...
Matthew G. Lewis. (1775 - 1818). Escritor, dramaturgo y pol tico brit nico conocido por Monk Lewis a ra z de su primera obra, El Monje (1796), donde denunciaba la Inquisici n espa ola y que le hizo popular. El Monje, de buena acogida entre la mayor a de la poblaci n, fue muy...
The Monk: A Romance is a Gothic novel by Matthew Gregory Lewis, published in 1796. A quickly written book from early in Lewis's career (in one letter he claimed to have written it in ten weeks, but other correspondence suggests that he had at least started it, or something similar,...
Sex, sorcery, and Satanism: The Monk is a tale of the temptations of the holiest man in Madrid. Utterly unlike anything England had seen before its publication in 1796, The Monk is a lurid, suspenseful, and occasionally hilarious novel that radically transformed gothic literature...
When Matthew Lewis's The Monk was published in 1796, readers were shocked by this gripping and horrific novel. Lewis's story, which drove the House of Commons--of which he was a member--to deem him licentious and perverse, follows the abbot Ambrosio as he is tempted into a world...
One of the most extravagantly dark works of Gothic fiction ever written in English, admired by the likes of Lord Byron and the Marquis de Sade, The Monk drew a firestorm of criticism when it was published in 1796. Contemporaries condemned it as "lewd," "libidinous and impious."...