Moving to York should have been her happily ever after. Instead, Samantha Grayson finds both her marriage and sanity being jeopardised by the past.
The Bronze Age woman she discovered last year, somehow communicates with her. Named Moira by her husband, archaeologist Jack Shepherd, this woman even claims to be her ancestor. Is it madness or is it magic? Moira is like a splinter in her mind, constantly itching.
On the final leg of her honeymoon, Samantha visits the Les Combarelles cave system. In the darkness she finds more than mysterious, compelling art. Moira is there, inviting her to step into adventure. From within the depths of the mountain Samantha is thrust into Moira's world.
Her journey from the mundane to the sacred will change her on every level and alter her ideas about the nature of reality.
And it will also cause a rift between herself and Jack that seems irrevocable.