What if your entire network marketing career, your success or failure, the speed at which your business becomes profitable, the rate at which your business grows, even your retention in your business, could be narrowed down to one minute? Would you be interested in knowing what that one minute was? If you knew exactly when that precious moment in time was, would you be interested in knowing how to best use it? During my career in network marketing, I have been very blessed. I have had the chance to get to know thousands of people who I call friends. I have traveled all over the world and I have had hundreds of thousands of people join me in the business. After helping over 400 people personally get started in the business, I realized that an independent associate's chances of being successful are increased one hundred fold by their understanding of The Most Important Minute and how to use it properly. I started writing this book from seat 6E on American Airlines flight 1409 to San Juan, Puerto Rico on December 6, 2010. I was heading down to paradise to work with some amazing network marketing professionals for a couple of days. Over the past several years, I have had the pleasure of speaking to more people than I can recall about success in network marketing. The more time I spend talking about getting started, developing your why, setting goals, mindset, prospecting, and the many other crucial subjects in our business, the more I realized that by understanding, and properly using, the most important minute in your career properly, it will increase the likelihood that you are going to have a positive experience. I have intentionally written this book in a completely generic fashion so that you can apply The Most Important Minute strategies to whatever business you have chosen. Many of my friends have already started to buy large quantities of The Most Important Minute to give to their teams. I am sure that you will find the information and strategies valuable enough that you will want to do the same thing. Once you learn how to use The Most Important Minute properly, you will easily be able to teach it to your team. I have taught network marketing professionals around the world how to identify and use The Most Important Minute properly, and realize that these strategies work in any culture or country, in any company, and with any product or service. We all know that when you start your network marketing business, there are many skills you will have to learn if you are going to be successful. We will look at these skills and review some of the basics of the business. We will also identify The Most Important Minute together and then prove that using The Most Important Minute properly will save years of pain and anxiety. Before we get into The Most Important Minute, let's take some time to understand that there really are three phases someone will go through in his or her network marketing career. It has taken me years to understand this. In Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers," he talks about the common traits possessed by the world's super producers. One of the main points of the book was that all of the world's greatest leaders had amassed 10,000 hours of experience in their chosen field. As I collected my 10,000 hours, it became extremely clear to me that there really are three phases that we go through as we build the business. I heard it once expressed like this: We have to bring them in, keep them in, and move them along. Identifying The Most Important Minute starts with understanding that there really are three types of people, or three phases, that you will go through in our business and this book will show you how to bring them in, keep them in, and move them along.
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