The Name Game: A fun and funny look at over 200 well-known and popular names
Good as a road trip game. Fun for a night with friends.Clever as an icebreaker at a meeting.
The Name Game was inspired by my son Ron who has always been an energetic, fun, and humorous person with a quick wit and clever imagination. When he was in the sixth grade, he started making jokes about names and kept us laughing as he created new ones. When Ron went to college, he left his list of name jokes at home. Over the years, I began to add more names and simple illustrations. As a non-artist, I chose to make stick figures with my thumbprint for the bodies. Digging through boxes, I found the originals and shared them with my grandkids and then friends, who all loved them. Their laughter motivated me to take Ron's original idea, along with my additions, and create this clever little book.