I found a great deal of practical wisdom in this book. As a young parent, it spoke right to my heart and inspired me to find rest. Wonderful! I'll read anything Sally Breedlove writes.
Bravo Sally for your words of encouragement in this book. I am the mother of three children under four and your poetic writing has refreshed me. I have given your book to many of my friends and it has been the catalyst for many intimate discussions. We can't wait for you to write another book! Thank you for helping us Choose Rest. Keep up the wonderful work and thank you for your faith in the Lord.
Choosing rest is a very readable, practical and inspirational book full of heartdeep concepts and inspirational stories which reach out beyond the popular how to's of time management and stress busting strategies to the very core principles of spiritual rest. Anyone who struggles with intense or low grade anxiety or stress knows the vicious cycle of trying to contol life circumstances by using an exhaustive supply of creative...