Now, for the first time, Tronick has gathered together his most influential writings in a single, essential volume. Organized into five parts--(I) Neurobehavior, (II) Culture, (III) Infant Social-Emotional Interaction, (IV) Perturbations: Natural and Experimental, and (V) Dyadic Expansion of Consciousness and Meaning Making--this book represents his major ideas and studies regarding infant-adult interactions, developmental processes, and mutual regulation, carefully addressing such questions as:
What is a state of consciousness? What are the developing infant's capacities for neurobehavioral self-organization? How are early infant-adult interactions organized? How can we understand the nature of normal versus abnormal development? How do self and mutual regulation relate to developmental processes? Is meaning making purely a function of the brain, or is it in our bodies as well?As a bonus, the book includes a DVD-ROM, with video clips of Tronick's Still-Face Paradigm, an invaluable teaching aid.