It takes a long time to understand nothing. -- Edward Dahlberg When asked what five books he would take with him to a desert island, George Bernard Shaw replied that he would take five blank books. The Nothing Book is a blank book. The possibilities are endless. Write your own novel, compile a personal cookbook, draw pictures, make lists, keep records, collect autographs, write poetry, plan vacations, start a diary or scrapbook, design clothes, invent needlework or knitting patterns, doodle, compose songs, jot down important dates, keep a guest book, press flowers, gather favorite quotes, accumulate (or invent) funny stories, use your imagination and do your own thing The Nothing Book is your book, it is meant to be whatever you want it to be. As Byron once wrote: 'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print; A book's a book, although there's nothing in't.
Why did it take until 1974 for someone to think of this idea?
The best blank book
Published by User , 23 years ago
In "Life Without Principle" (1863), Henry David Thoreau wrote, "I cannot easily buy a blank-book to write thoughts in; they are commonly ruled for dollars and cents." Today, most bookstores carry blank books, but the selection is often disappointing. Most have lines and unattractive covers. "The nothing book" is a good size, has good paper, is unlined, and features a solid-colored cloth cover. In 1994 I got a red one. In 1998 I got a blue one. I only wish you could choose the color.
Published by User , 24 years ago
Although it is made up of no words whatsoever it is THE perfect book for anyone who is creative. I have used mine (I have more than one/takes a year to finish one)for a sort of memory book. I have tryed to use other 'blank books' but none are the same quality as that of 'The Nothing Book.' Everyone who sees mine wants to do one themselves. If you are creative enough, get this book now!
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