Examine the early works of a forerunner in ministry to people with mental retardation!
Robert Perske is well known in disability circles for his work as an advocate of people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. In recent years he has become noted for his defense of people with mental retardation in the criminal justice system and for his stance on issues related to the death penalty. The Pastoral Voice of Robert Perske focuses on the papers and articles Perske wrote early in his career while serving as a chaplain at the Kansas Neurological Institute. In this collection are the earliest published papers on pastoral care and religious education for people with mental retardation. Even after 30 years, the messages in Mr. Perske's early writings can easily be applied to current issues in ministries and services for people with developmental disabilities. The Pastoral Voice of Robert Perske includes: a thorough introduction describing the biography and life's work of Robert Perske an inventory of Perske's published books that are still in print a detailed list of the applications of Perske's earliest works for today's pastoral community fifteen works Perske published between 1963 and 1971 the voices of several of Perske's peers as they comment and expound on his earlier worksWhether you are a religious leader, professional in disability services, family member, or student, The Pastoral Voice of Robert Perske is an essential guide to ministry and religious education for people with developmental disabilities.