Find the nearest push mower. Check the gas tank. Make sure it's totally empty. Now, grab the handle of the starter cord in your hand and start the mower. Give it as many yanks as needed. Keep on, don't give up. Keep pulling that starter cord over and over again.
Do you have any success? Of course not.
This is the life of a Christian who has not yet learned how to cultivate the intimacy and experience the activity of the Holy Spirit every day.
You are invited on this year-long journey through the Book of Acts to discover all that it means to have the third Person of a living and loving God dwelling within you as a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.
Our Triune God does not want us to live in utter frustration as if we are trying to start an engine with absolutely no fuel feeding it. He desires intimacy. He promises activity.
Stop pulling on that cord in futility.
Start living your Christian life in fullness.