i found this book to be refreshing sincere yet humorous and would definitely reccomend it to both men & women. A great gift item.
Ladies and Gentlemen, It's a Great Book in a small size. It talks less but teaches a lot. You get entertained and educated while you go through pages of one of The Top Topics in Our Lives - Man and Woman relationship. I'd say it is a brand new approach to publishing. This is a good example of low budget, but award deserving book. Amassing combination of colors and incredible flow of various style illustrations. Custom made...
This book is done in a clever way, going step by step through various types of relationships. One very important section is called every woman must know. If most women followed those tips we would not get into such heart wrenching relationships.
Finally a book on relationships that makes sense. Amazing how much is said in so few words.
I am so glad I read this book. I never realized how many dating mistakes I made. I have tried out some of the tips the book recommends and they are really working! I have also read The Rules and found this to be more modern, realistic advice. The cool artwork also makes this a fun and entertaining book to read.